a compilation


Looking for myself in you – and you in me


Ever since I can remember I have felt a deep longing, or a sense of nostalgia for something I could not clearly define, as well as a sense of deep loneliness. I was obsessed with twins – apart from my zodiac sign being Gemini, I wanted to believe that my sister who is one year younger than me, was actually my twin. One of my earliest childhood memories is me and my baby sister sitting across each other in a twin pram. That memory was real, just as the twin pram. But we were not really twins. Only recently I discovered that I used to have an actual twin sister, who had died in the womb. 


Everything fell into place for me then. And I can now better understand some parts of myself, as well as some of my photographic works. We often create from a deep place inside of us, not knowing the exact origin of our images. But sometimes, unexpectedly, things reveal themselves to us.